获山东省高等学校优秀科技成果奖,济宁市自然科学学术创新奖,陕西理工大学优秀科技成果一等奖。现为EPJC、NPB、 CQG、JPG、MPLA及CTP等SCI一区二区等国际期刊审稿人。
联系方式: 邮箱:yanpengphy@163.com
2003.9-2007.7 伟德BETVlCTOR1946 伟德BETVlCTOR1946 数学与应用数学 学士
2007.9-2010.1 复旦大学 伟德BETVlCTOR1946 偏微分方程 硕士
2010.1-2012.12 复旦大学 物理系 广义相对论 博士
2013.1-2016.8 陕西理工大学 数学与计算机科学学院
2016.9-至今 伟德BETVlCTOR1946 伟德BETVlCTOR1946
三、研究方向 (1)广义相对论与黑洞物理学; (2)量子纠缠在引力中的应用;(3)微分方程解析解和数值解
(1)主持完成国家自然科学基金青年基金,陕西省自然基金,陕西省教育厅基金各一项; (2)主持在研山东省自然科学基金青年项目一项《空腔中带标量毛黑洞的动力学稳定性研究》ZR2018QA008,2018.3-2020.12,资助额度:14万;(3)主持在研伟德BETVlCTOR1946数理交叉项目一项《致密星无标量毛定理及相关问题研究》xkjjc201906,2019.4-2022.4,资助额度:20万。
代表作如下:(第一作者用“ # ”,通讯作者用“ * ”标注)
[1]Yan Peng#*, Upper bounds on the compactness at the innermost light ring of anisotropic horizonless spheres,Eur.Phys.J.C 80 (2020) 8, 755 . (自然指数期刊、SCI一区TOP)
[2]Yan Peng#*, No scalar hair behaviors of static massive scalar fields with nodes,Eur.Phys.J.C 80 (2020) 6, 575. (自然指数期刊、SCI一区TOP)
[3]Yan Peng#*,Spontaneous scalarization of Gauss-Bonnet black holes surrounded by massive scalar fields, Phys.Lett.B 807 (2020) 135569. ( SCI一区TOP)
[4]Yan Peng#*, Scalarization of horizonless reflecting stars: neutral scalar fields non-minimally coupled to Maxwell fields, Phys. Lett. B 804(2020)135372. ( SCI一区TOP)
[5]Yan Peng#*, Analytical investigations on formations of hairy neutral reflecting shells in the scalar-Gauss-Bonnet gravity, Eur. Phys. J. C 80(2020)202. (自然指数期刊、SCI一区TOP)
[6]Yan Peng#*, Scalarization of compact stars in the scalar-Gauss-Bonnet gravity, JHEP 1912(2019)064. (自然指数期刊、SCI一区TOP)
[7]Yan Peng#*, Analytical studies on the hoop conjecture in charged curved spacetimes, Eur.Phys.J. C79 (2019) no.11, 943. (自然指数期刊、SCI一区TOP)
[8]Yan Peng#*, On instabilities of stationary scalar field configurations supported by reflecting compact stars,Phys. Lett. B 798(2019) 134931. ( SCI一区TOP)
[9]Yan Peng#*, No hair theorem for bound-state massless static scalar fields outside horizonless Neumann compact stars, Phys. Lett. B 796 (2019)65-67. ( SCI一区TOP)
[10]Yan Peng#*, No hair theorem for massless scalar fields outside asymptotically flat horizonless reflecting compact stars, Eur. Phys. J. C 79 (2019) 850. (自然指数期刊、一区TOP)
[11]Yan Peng#*, Large regular reflecting stars have no scalar field hair, Eur. Phys. J. C (2019)79:309. (自然指数期刊、SCI一区TOP)
[12]Yan Peng#*, No hair theorem for spherically symmetric regular compact stars with Dirichlet boundary conditions, Phys. Lett. B 792 (2019) 156-159. ( SCI一区TOP)
[13]Yan Peng#*,The extreme orbital period in scalar hairy kerr black holes, Phys. Lett. B 792 (2019) 1-3. ( SCI一区TOP)
[14]Yan Peng#*,Upper bound on the radii of regular ultra-compact star photonspheres, Phys. Lett. B 790 (2019) 396-399. ( SCI一区TOP)
[15]Yan Peng#*, Hair mass bound in the black hole with non-zero cosmological constants, Phys. Rev. D 98 (2018) 104041. (自然指数期刊、SCI一区TOP)
[16]Yan Peng#*, On instabilities of scalar hairy regular compact reflecting stars, JHEP 1810 (2018) 185. (自然指数期刊 SCI一区TOP)
[17]Yan Peng#*, Bin Wang, Yunqi Liu, Scalar field condensation behaviors around reflecting shells in Anti-de Sitter spacetimes, Eur.Phys.J.C78(2018)8.680. (自然指数期刊、SCI一区TOP)
[18]Yan Peng#*, Bin Wang, Yunqi Liu, On the thermodynamics of the black hole and hairy black hole transitions in the asymptotically flat spacetime with a box, Eur.Phys. J. C 78(2018)176. (自然指数期刊、SCI一区TOP)
[19]Yan Peng#*, Static scalar field condensation in regular asymptotically AdS reflecting star backgrounds, Phys. Lett. B 782 (2018) 717-722. ( SCI一区TOP)
[20]Yan Peng#*, Scalar field congurations supported by charged compact reflecting stars in a curved spacetime, Phys. Lett. B 780(2018)144–148. ( SCI一区TOP)
[21]Yan Peng#*, Studies of a general flat space/boson star transition model in a box through a language similar to holographic superconductors, JHEP 07(2017)042. (自然指数期刊一区TOP)
[22]Yan Peng#*, GuohuaLiu, Holographic entanglement entropy in two-order insulator/superconductor transitions, Phys. Lett. B 767 (2017)330-335. ( SCI一区TOP)
[23]Yan Peng#*, Holographic entanglement entropy in superconductor phase transition with dark matter sector, Phys. Lett. B 750 (2015)420-426. ( SCI一区TOP)
[24]Yan Peng#*, Yunqi Liu, A general holographic metal/superconductor phase transition model, JHEP 02(2015)082. (自然指数期刊、SCI一区TOP)
[25]Yan Peng#*, Qiyuan Pan,Holographic entanglement entropy in general holographic superconductor models,JHEP 1406(2014)011. (自然指数期刊、SCI一区TOP)
[26]Yan Peng#, Qiyuan Pan, Bin Wang*,Various types of phase transitions in the AdS soliton background,Phys. Lett. B 699(2011)383-387. ( SCI一区TOP)