题 目: Noncommutative convexity and the extremal matrix states on tensor product of C*-algebras
报告人: 吴畏教授 (华东师范大学数学系)
摘 要: In this talk, I will first give a brief survey on the noncommutative convexity theory. Then we discuss the extreme point structure problem of matrix states on tensor product of C*-algebras. We prove that the matrix extreme points of the matrix state space on the tensor product of two unital C*-algebras, at least one of them is of type I, are exactly the isometric orbit of the restrictions, on the exponentially unitary orbit of the C*-algebraic tensor product, of the tensor products of the matrix extreme points of matrix state spaces of the two C*-algebras.
时 间: 2014年10月22日(星期三)15:30-16:30.
地 点:伟德BETVlCTOR1946三楼报告厅