题 目:Some Matrix Research Problems
报告人:Tin-Yau Tam (譚天祐)
Chair and Professor,Department of Mathematics and Statistics Auburn University, Alabama,
报告简介: In this talk we will discuss some research problems in matrix theory and their (possible) relations with Lie theory: (1) Aluthge iteration. (2) Marcus-de Oliveira Conjecture on the determinants of sums of two normal matrices with prescribed eigenvalues. (3) Thompson’s inequalities on singular values and diagonal entries of a matrix.
时 间:2017年6月1日(星期四)
地 点:伟德BETVlCTOR1946三楼报告厅
· 譚天祐教授简介:香港大学数学博士 (1986)美国奥本大学 数学与统计系 系主任/教授,在国际重要学术刊物发表论文90余篇。